Back by popular demand!
Designed by Clara Maria Fiorentini and Sinéad McCauley Lambe this summer course aims to provide a thorough insight into teaching and learning in the infant classroom.
“Those who work with very young children have
a unique opportunity to get it right from the start”
(French, 2013)
Young children learn best in playful, interactive, nurturing learning contexts. Getting it in the infant classroom right matters. This course provides a comprehensive and practical exploration of teaching and learning in the infant classroom. From practice to preparations, this course provides the A to Z in organisation, management and methodologies to support best practice in the infant classroom.
This course aims to support participants in the creation of an interactive learning environment and in facilitating purposeful, playful, language-rich learning experiences across the curriculum.
Content within each module has been carefully designed to equip participants with research informed, contemporary approaches to planning, practice and organisation of the infant classroom.

Modules include:
Play & Playful Learning
Language & Literacy
Classroom Organisation
Classroom Management
Teaching Methodologies
Approaching Assessment
Whether you are interested in refreshing your current practice or you are new to early childhood education, this is the course for you!

For this online course please register and pay through MIE's Moodle page: www.mie.ie/moodle

Yes, there we are!
Play is the way!