The first Science of Reading in Ireland symposium for 2024 is just around the corner.
Join Dr Jen O'Sullivan. Dr Treasa Bowe, Dee O'Toole and myself for our next literacy symposium, 'The Science of Reading: Picturebooks' on March 9th, 2024.
In this four hour symposium we will explore the use of picturebooks in the primary classroom, from Junior Infants to 6th class. We'll unpack a wealth of practical supports and strategies for instruction along with an exploration of the evidence supporting picturebook use in the classroom.
Across our four presentations, we will explore:
Picturebooks and the Primary Language Curriculum
Benefits of using picturebooks
Visual Literacy
Text pairing
Building background knowledge
Vocabulary development
Picturebooks as a mentor text for writing
Following a similar model to our previous symposia, this symposium will be recorded. After the symposium, registered participants will receive a link to the recording which will be available to view for 30 days.
Slides and resources will be forwarded to all after the symposium.
As always. participants will be encouraged to interact with the presenters via the chat / Q&A functions. The chat will be moderated throughout the symposium.
Registration fee: €30