We're always on the lookout for purposeful opportunities to extend the learning during reading experiences. 'Magnifying Observations' is an effective means of getting the children to focus closely on details within illustrations while also making inferences, making predictions and clarifications. It's important that we invite children to frequently explore illustrations and visual images in a deep and thorough manner - moving beyond literal, narrow and obvious questions. Be it whole class, small group, paired or independently, 'magnifying observations' is an effective little strategy which invites the reader to slow down, and observe closely, opening up all sorts of wonderful opportunities for comprehension, critical thinking, and language development.
What do you need?
A high quality text with rich, detailed illustrations, a magnifying template and... some observant eyes.
This is a really simple but effective means of getting the children to focus closely on details within illustrations while also making inferences, making predictions and clarifications. It's important that only the lens of the magnifying page is transparent. The remainder of the page ensures that the remaining sections of the illustration to stay concealed.
Think it's something you might try with your class, then why not download my Magnifying Observations resource: