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Writer's picture Clara Maria Fiorentini

Introducing: Picturebook Pedagogy

Many of you will already know that accessible CPD is one of my interests - personally and professionally. You will also know that picturebooks are a big part of my life, again, both personally and professionally! So, combining the two, Picturebook Pedagogy was born!

What is Picturebook Pedagogy?

I firmly believe that we need to locate high quality children's literature at the heart of our primary practice - and the perfect way to do this, is by prioritising picturebooks!

Picturebook Pedagogy has been designed to offer manageable, high quality and accessible professional development for teachers. Picturebooks offer a wealth of opportunities for the development of a classroom culture and community of readers, all while affording the powerful potential to contextualise and integrate many of the outcomes and objectives of the primary curriculum.

Let's harness the power of picturebooks and watch the learning unfold!

Picturebook Pedagogy: Practical Online Workshops

As part of 'Picturebook Pedgagogy' I will be running a series of practical online workshops for teachers.

Introductory Workshop: Saturday March 11th, 10am - 12pm

Topic: Multifunctional Texts

This jam-packed workshop will unwrap picturebook pedagogy and provide attendees with a wealth practical teaching tools and strategies to enhance and develop their picturebook use in the primary classroom. In this introductory workshop, a selection of 'multi-functional' picturebooks will be examined - a.k.a texts that can be utilised across a variety of class ages and stages! Regardless of whether you teach in infants or 6th, the content is applicable to everyone! In this practical online workshop, we will: - Explore a selection of high-quality 'multifunctional picturebooks - Carry out a walk-through of three high-quality texts and explore teaching and learning opportunities within each text - Examine a flexible model of planning for engaging reading, writing and oral language lessons using picturebooks as a stimulus All participants will receive: - A copy of the slides -A planning guide with suggested lessons and teaching points for three high quality texts -A 'getting started' pack for choosing, using and planning with high quality picturebooks in the primary classroom. -A list of 'recommended reads & resources' -Certificate of Attendance

Registration fee: €20

Places are limited so early booking is advised!

Additional dates and topics coming soon!


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