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Writer's picture Clara Maria Fiorentini

Seasonal Resources

As we enter the festive season, sticking to the usual routine as much as possible is always best. However, this is often easier said than done and leaning learning towards the festivities or themes emerging from the season can help keep things ticking along during the hectic weeks in the run up to the holidays.

I've included a few of my old Winter favourites in this Seasonal Resource pack which as always, is free to download!

If you are on the hunt for rhymes, poems or jingles, you can also download my Seasonal Rhymes & Poems here!

If you're on the look out for some seasonal picturebooks, here are a few beauties:

Newly published, P.J. Lynch has added illustrative magic to Robert Frost's timeless masterpiece, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. You will read the poem with fresh eyes - highly recommend!

Red & Lulu by Matt Tavares is one of my favourite love stories - and one you could read with any class. I shared a reel about this book recently!

The Christmas Eve Tree is an absolute gem - finding the magic and comfort of a Christmas in even the most scraggy of trees. Deals with a theme of homelessness in a very sensitive manner.

Grandpa Christmas - a Christmas book you can read all year long. A story of hope, concern for the future and the importance of keeping memories alive.

If you think any of these resources or recommendations would be useful to a colleague, feel free to share and circulate!


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